Friday, October 21, 2011

Five Years Five Years La la la

Because this is public, I'm going to try and keep this as brief and non-mushy as possible.

Dear Daniel,

It is not every man who would gladly put up with a knitter.
Who would joke about stealing my yarn stash while patiently enduring hours at the yarn store while I fondle every skein. (And who would only tease me a little about using the word fondle. It's funny, I understand.)

Who would wear the silly hat I made him for our first Christmas together (don't worry, those pictures are stowed safely where no one can see them).

Who would not only graciously accept that first, horribly wonky sweater I made him, but also keep it hanging in his closet.

Who would wear the second sweater I made him even though it was itchy.

Who would encourage me to pursue my wild dream of becoming a professional knitter, knitwear designer, writer, and editor.

Who wouldn't bat an eyelash at the fact that this means most of my days are spent at home surrounded by yarn. Or the fact that I have so far made a grand total of $20 dollars.

Who would be patient, kind, and caring as I struggled to find myself.

Who would start randomly dancing, singing, or tickling me when he knows that I'm sad and I need a reason to smile.

Who would tell me I'm beautiful despite the fact that I've worn the same dress three days in a row and my hair hasn't seen a hairbrush in...well...too long.

Who loves me not just in spite of my flaws, but because of a fair few of them.

Before I met you, I was sure that I would never want to get married; now I can't wait to be your wife.

I love you so much, Happy Five Years.

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